April is an Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Fitness-Nutrition and Weight loss Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Stretch Therapy and Trauma-Informed Somatic Coach–She earned her Bachelors degree from Illinois College in Exercise Science and Biology w/ Psychology and Nutrition–Then furthered her education at Cornell University in Nutrition for Preventing and Reversing Chronic Disease. As a researcher and educator– April continuously works on her research, studies and continuing education in the latest science data.

April uses Nutrition, Weight Training, Cardio and Stretch Therapy–which are all essential in reaching your Health and Fitness goals: Weight Management, Building strength and lean muscle, Hormone Health, losing weight, body fat and cellulite, mobility and releasing chronic pain, fatigue, stress and anxiety–Nutrition is Always the biggest contributing factor to reaching any Health or Fitness goal.

She also works with those who have chronic illness and diseases, with a focus on improving cardiovascular health and body composition, rehabilitation from injury and preventative care.

April is a published fitness model and retired national level bikini competitor. She started working out, running and sprinting in high-school with the Track and Volleyball teams. She has more than 30 years experience with weight training and fitness.

As an athlete, she became seriously ill with severe gut issues, inflammation, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroid, high cholesterol, high cortisol and anxiety after her 10 years of competition– from stress and eating high animal protein, low carbohydrate, and supplementation diets. She then studied Nutrition for Preventing and Reversing Disease at Cornell University and has completely reversed her illnesses, healed her gut and never felt better. What you eat determines which bacteria thrive in your gut. And research tells us that the good “gut bugs” get stronger when fed colorful Antioxidant-Rich Plant-Based foods such as vegetables, grains, beans, legumes and fruit–to help protect cells from free radicals–which cause oxidative stress and increase the risk of all chronic disease-– while meat, dairy, poultry, eggs and fish feed a negative Toxic Gut environment and cause inflammation and disease. Learn to Heal with every Meal.

As you might have heard, there are many Urgent reasons to start transitioning to a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet today-–
here are just a few of them:

  • Plant-based diets decrease your risk of major diseases and can reverse chronic disease– such as diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke, heart disease, some types of cancer and early death. As well as–Improving the gut microbiome, hormone health, anti-aging, insulin resistance, fertility, reducing Inflammation and lowering Cortisol levels, stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Replacing Animal Proteins with Plant-Based Proteins are essential for health because they are rich in nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals– which reduce risk of inflammation, aging, developing chronic disease, high blood pressure–Hypertension, bad cholesterol, saturated fats and triglycerides–which are all linked to animal foods and heart disease. Plant-Based foods also control blood sugar, reduce body weight, improve fiber intake and improve dietary fat quality as well as blood lipoprotein profile.
  • Athletes are running toward a Plant-Based diet which is anti-inflammatory, low in saturated fat and free of cholesterol which helps improve blood viscosity. This helps more oxygen reach the muscles, which improves athletic performance, improves arterial flexibility and diameter– leading to better blood flow. Luckily, all plant-based foods have protein in different amounts and the plant kingdom is full of protein-rich foods, which means all the people who are looking to gain size and strength need to do is be educated on which foods those are –include lots of them in their daily eating schedule–and eat enough calories for your goals.
  • Animal agriculture is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and has many negative effects on the environment–exceeding the emissions from all forms of transportation combined. This is further compounded by deforestation caused by land clearing for animal grazing, water pollution from animal waste and feed production.
  • Deforestation–Rain forests vanish in favor of cattle ranches and soy plantations for livestock. Between 70-80% of the worlds soybeans are used as The Protein source in animal feed for livestock and poultry–including chickens, pigs, cows, and farmed fish–and then most humans eat these animals to get that second hand protein– instead of going straight to the source–Only 20% is used for humans. In the United States, more than 90% of soybeans are used for animal feed– as well as for companion pets like dogs.
  • Drinking water is being contaminated by sewage and livestock waste from farms.
  • Antibiotic resistance that’s life-threatening to humans often comes from eating farmed animals. 80% of all antibiotics used in the United States are fed to farm animals.
  • 70% of US grain and close to 40% of the world’s Grain is being fed to livestock, much of which is produced in countries where 17,000 children die of starvation each day.
  • Millions of sentient beings suffer unimaginably for their short lives before being killed needlessly.
  • Many slaughterhouse workers suffer physical injuries or develop PTSD due to this traumatizing and evil work that consumers are paying for.

  • Please Watch the Documentaries: What The Health, The Game Changers Movie, Forks over Knives and Eating our Way to Extinction.

    Education and Qualifications

    • ACE Certified Personal Trainer since 2002
    • YogaFit Certified since 2004
    • Illinois College–Bachelors in Exercise Science and Biology w/ Psychology and Nutrition 2005
    • Lincoln Land Community College–Associates of Science 2005
    • NPC Figure and Bikini Competitor (2003-2012)
    • Has worked in the health field since 1994
    • CPR and AED Certified since 1994
    • Certified Nutrition Consultant since 2009
    • Physical Therapy Assistant (2012-2014)
    • Fitness Nutrition Specialist 2014
    • Weight Management Specialist 2015
    • Sports Conditioning Coach 2016
    • Kettlebell Instructor 2017
    • Cornell University–Plant-Based Nutrition for Preventing and Reversing Disease 2018
    • ICF accredited Trauma-Informed Coach 2023

    Published Fitness Modeling

    • Oxygen Magazine (October 2012)
    • Oxygen Magazine (October 2011)
    • Off the Couch (October 2011)
    • Status Fitness (October 2011)
    • American Curves Magazine (Feb 2006)
    • Muscular Development (April 2006)
    • Body Magazine (Sweden, July 2006)

    Award Winning Competitions

    • 2011 Pittsburgh Masters Nationals: 1st Place
    • 2011 New Orleans: 1st Place-Masters, 3rd Place-Open
    • 2011 NPC Musclecontest: 1st Place-Masters, 3rd Place-Open
    • 2010 NPC USA’s Las Vegas: 7th Place
    • 2010 NPC Muscle Contest: 1st place
    • 2009 NPC Las Vegas Bikini Classic: 3rd place
    • 2004 NPC Central USA AGF Figure Classic: 5th
    • 2003 NPC Mid-Illinois Figure Championships: 2nd
    Contact her

    We're here to help you

    April has a lot of knowledge and can help you reach your goals no matter if you are a beginner or competitor. Email her today at the contact page.